by Patrick Seymour I don’t know which category should I put these artwork. I believe it’s not illustration, but paper cut-out. When the background is solid color, the artwork is amazing, the lines made it has 3D feeling on it. But when you have someone standing behind the artwork, it become more amazing. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest Reblog: itsdesigned
Observatoire De La Biodiversite En Rhone-Alpes by Grapheine Grapheine website in in France, so I don’t understand a lot about them or their projects. But they are totally awesome. Their creation full of vibrant colors, which I love the most. This poster was part of corporate identity design, I don’t know for who, but I think it supposed about nature. Isn’t it lovely?. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Le Gorille by Violaine & Jeremy My heart sunk every time I read about gorilla in newspaper. Because it almost always about another gorilla died in the hand of poachers. This illustration style was very hype lately, should I say it’s kind of hipster illustration style. But rarely illustrator take gorilla as the main character. This illustration like want to say “Gorilla, the gentle giant lives peacefully among tiny animals in the beautiful forest”. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest Reblog: weandthecolor
My Cats’ Daily by bibo X You don’t need to understand chinese language to understand this comic. If you ever have a cat, you’ll know what will happen. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Mortal Kombat: Scorpion by Jonathan Gonzalez Gomez If you grew up in the 90’s, like me, then Mortal Kombat might be one important part of your childhood. I love using Scorpion. He was easy to handle and the combo was deadly too. This artwork is awesome, but I kinda missed Scorpion’s signature yellow color though. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest Reblog: pixalry
Bees Knees by At Pace In my country, all honey packaging are ugly. It only use regular bottle, with paper label. The label design was illustrated with 80’s style illustration. Perhaps they never change the design since the first time they create the honey company. Looking at this packaging, how the bees surrounded the jar opening, just make me assume that the honey must be so sweet and delicious. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
by Otto Schmidt Sexy overload. No wonder she turns so many men into stone. Talking about deadly kiss. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest Reblog from supersonicart
Last Supper by JeeYoung Lee How I love installation art by JeeYoung Lee. Maybe because she like to use bright colors. Even when she use scary animals like rats, her installation still looks feminine. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
St. Hand By Naoto Hattori So, is it cat? or is it rabbit?. That middle finger make me assume that this is rabbit. But Naoto Hattori himself used a lot of cat figure in his artworks. One thing for sure, this is not so polite gesture. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest Reblog: 2headedsnake
Wisdom and Process by Rebecca Yanovskaya Another owl artwork. This time its’s ballpoint pen artwork that totally amazing. Really love the combination between black, grey and gold. The owls look fierce and the female character looks grace. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest