Blithe and Bonny • Anything that tagged as organic or natural is huge lately. But I really love Blithe and Bonny products’s packaging design. Stated as eco-friendly, handcrafted, recycle and repurposed product on their website, the most distinctive feature of it packaging design is newspaper pattern on their label. I really don’t know if it’s really used newspaper, or they just scanned and insert newspaper pattern into their design. Still, it looks really nice and unique. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Militis by Gregory Grigoriou • How much do you love logo design with hidden image or meaning?. I do love them so much. And I’m sure I saw a canine on this logo design. Big cat is symbol of manhood and strength for ancient Greece and Rome. Never forget that Hercules wear a lion skin cloak. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Cross Section of a Black Widow by Nychos • If this mural was in my town, I will drive passed it everyday. Isn’t it amazing?. I don’t really know if black widow’s internal organs was truly like that, but if it did, then Mr. Nychos must have spent a lot of time on biology books before drawing it. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Moleskine Doodles: Meltdown by Kerby Rosanes • Have you ever wonder why creative industry workers always feel that they need to have at least one Moleskine. I work as designer for almost 10 years, and love to draw doodles, but I don’t have Moleskine even once. I know it has great quality paper and binding, not to mention that it products looks great too. But, personally I prefer rough surfaced paper for my drawing, perhaps that’s why I don’t really fancy Moleskine’s smooth paper. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Yogu & Fruti by Lala Del Tejo • This character design for yoghurt chain is real awesome. On Ms.Del Tejo website, there are a lot of really really nice illustrations and Yogu & Fruti characters on many different poses. Unfortunaly I can’t show them here. Now, who wants yoghurt?. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
by Alfonso Cervantes • One of the biggest and most important lesson in my life: do not ever try to swim in amazon river. And no, I never been to Amazon river. I just need to watch National Geographic channel to know what wait for me there. Check out Mr. Cervantes’s Behance for more cute illustrations with scary theme. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Exotic Machine by Maria Grenlund and Grapes Creation • The behance page says that “Exotic Machine is company which offers superb repair and care services for luxury yachts and cars for an elite clientele in Dubai”. Well, when we talk about Dubai, we’re thinking about gold, money and filthy rich people. I think that’s the basic concept of it’s design. The logo was created from many tiny dots, which reminded me of gold coins. Cheetah is also perfect representation of the word “exotic”. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Vector Poster by Alysha Dawn • So many animals in one poster. I lost count. Love the vector style and mirroring image style. This can become great sticker pack too. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
JsConfAr 2014 Earlybird is out! by Alejandro Vizio I think this is illustration to promote the early bird ticket opening for one conference. Lately, I’ve been in love with color yellow,so this design really catch my attention. But, I also love love love the bird design on it. It’s totally simple, and totally cute. That bird can become a perfect logo design. Just an idea 🙂 Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest
Playful Husky by Petshopbox Studio My design studio just released a sticker for chat app Line, and it’s available for sell on Creator’s Market feature. Just like its tittle, playful husky was meant to accentuate husky cuteness and playful side that will be able to use on a chat. Husky is quite popular breed in my country Indonesia, since many people considering husky scary appearance as cool. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest