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    Battles by Duartevasco • If there world in another dimension that look like this, would you be there? Jellyfishes flying in the sky, cat as big as elephant, well, we can still thank the illustrator that the spider still on its regular size. LOL. I wonder where birds are. If jellyfishes flying in the sky, would it be that birds are swimming in the sea? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    The Chronicles of Narnia by Ginger Monkey • Narnia won’t be Narnia without King Aslan. Aslan was so strong and charismatic, I don’t know how many dogs out there was named Aslan by their owner. No wonder he’s appear on this exclusive tin box packaging that contains audio edition of The Chronicles of Narnia. The CD packaging design itself have renaissance look with its light brown color. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Forest by Art of Yen • If you have following Inspirazzle, then you know that I fancied illustration of forest and it’s magical sunlight scenery. Beside those aspect, I also love this illustration because the interaction between the rabbit and the fox. It was like both of them waiting for the other to do something. Or they just got nothing to do and decided to waste time staring at each other? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Sparrow by Stanislav • The tittle suggested that it is a sparrow. But for me, it’s a cute little round bird no matter what you are. The character design is really cute. Love the color too. Even though I’m a bit confused with that transparent object behind the sparrow. Is it skateboard? Considering the pirate costume concept, I think ship would be more appropriate. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Tilt and Balance by Loika • You may notice that I haven’t post a lot of manga style illustration here in Inspirazzle. I think it was more about personal preferences that I don’t really fancy manga style. But these illustration was too good to pass. Somehow I feel peace and warmth looking at these. Do you feel the same way too? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Calligraphic Swan by Arno Kathollnig • Do you remember that calligraphic type that everybody use on their wedding invitation?. This calligraphic swan could be a very nice part of wedding invitation. It’s classic yet minimalistic and totally beautiful at the same time. And swan is symbol of love, right? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    by David Hedmark • The author note was “Streams are a valuable resource to mountain goblins and are well worth protecting against invading clans.” So, I assume the boar rider is mountain goblins. But I’m more interested with the boar, look at that serious gesture. This is really nice illustration with minimal color palette. Look at the forest in the background and sun shine that shining through leaves, it’s just beautiful. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Now Japan 2014 by wowburo, Other Peter, Karolis Strautniekas, Džiugas Valančauskas, Sonar • This fly is a part of advertisement and animation for Now Japan 2014 in Lithuania. The concept is simple, visualize Japan cliche. Talking about cliche, I think everybody think that ninja can catch a fly using chopstick. I really love the animation. It really smooth and the fly movement is totally natural. Notice how the fly cleaning up its front legs? just like what fly usually do. Watch the full animation here: http://vimeo.com/109566146 Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    by elissandras • The more I read about Jellyfish, the more I got fascinated by it. Jellyfish was no doubt a fantastic extraordinary creature that sometimes I think that they came from some alien planet on our neighborhood galaxy. LOL. I think this jellyfish illustration is purely fantasy, because I’ve never seen flowery jellyfish before. And the tentacles remind me of octopus.   Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest