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    Crossy Road – Endless Arcade Hopper • Just finish download this game from AppStore. Would be a big lie if I said that I downloaded it not because its design. This game have similar style with that old frog crossing the river and the street game on 80-90’s nintendo console. But, with more crispier design, of course. Even though I don’t really enjoy playing the game, I really love its boxy style and bright colorful design.  Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Flags In The Snow by Peltopyy • Somehow I really love the festive mood on this illustration. Colorful flags, birds flying around, a knight riding a tiger masquerade the town. It would be wonderful if this illustration is real, right? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    World Cup theme mural by Low Bros • Took me a while to realize that this mural consists of four big cats surrounding a stadium. Really love the way they mix up patterns on the big cats body and stylize it in collage style. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Sushi Cats • When I got bored, I always googling for stuffs from Japan. They never fail to surprise (read: shock) me. Like this cat sushi photo manipulation. It was an old piece, from around a year ago, but still make me laugh until today. So, which sushi you choose? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    by Michael Clarida • This is so cute, and funny. Even beanie & mustache was not enough to make me scared of it. Just wondering, why everyone is so into mustache lately?  Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Anger by Samantha Mash • Once, I got an advice from my acquaintances “better be alone when you are angry, because if you talk to someone when you still angry, it easier for them to planted bad things into your mind”. For me, this artwork really visualized those words perfectly. Most of sting wasps will planted their eggs into host body, the larva eat it alive, and then torn its host body to break free. Just like anger, eat you from inside, and in the end you are the only one that suffer. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Last Seconds by Pascal Campion • I posted a lot of cat artworks. Actually, I’m more of a dog person than a cat person. I love being able to walk together and watching sunset together with my dog like this artwork suggest. One thing I still don’t understand until now, why dog loves pay attention on things we like? Do they really see sunset as beautiful as we see it? Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Formula One 2014 by Kotoc • I should say that this is one great animation to promote F1, too bad I can’t embed the video on this post. I’m not F1 fans, so I can’t tell much about it. But from a glimpse of F1 cars in the video, it depicts tight race between Red Bull team and Ferrari team. Please correct me if I’m wrong. The animal was created from triangle basic shapes, which is also how F1 cars looks like for non-F1 fans, full of triangle shape.  Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest

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    Head On by Cai Guo-Ciang • Giant installation that visualized cycle. It consists of 99 real size wolf replicas, threw themselves to the air, head on to the glass wall, falling back to earth, and walk back to restart the cycle. The theme and how it visualized was totally beautiful, yet painful. Look at some wolves gestures, they look like in total pain after collision with the glass wall. Ouch. Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest    

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    Bath Day by 365-DaysOfDoodles • The life that every cat owner knows well. Warm water is ready, the towels is ready, even some floating toys are there. Then… it’s time for a fight of a century. I really wish my cat would just give me this sad look when I bathed it, just like my chihuahua would do. Instead that cutey kitty will jump, scratch, bite and try all bloody torture methods it ever know to make me released it from bath time. Sigh… Follow me: Twitter • Facebook • Blog • Pinterest