Eye candy K-Drama : Moon Lover

Have you watch the drama? Only three or four english subbed episodes were released on the unofficial drama fan site. the hype is huge for this drama because the actors line up are HOTTIE! Lee Joon Ki, Nam Joo Hyuk, Hong Jong Hyun…oh dear, that’s all kill (SPOILER ALERT! first episode! those prices, bath, topless, you got the idea wink wink!)

…and of course there is Baek Hyun from EXO (> , <).
The story line is not that special, just a girl (Play by IU) that suddenly trapped in past time of Korea and involved in love and drama in the palace. Everybody fall in love with her, but she fall in love with the most dangerous and the most unapproachable one (play by Lee Joon Ki), cliche.
This is the first drama of Baek Hyun, he always said that his character here is close with his real life character. Unfortunately he got bad review from the audiences for his acting. Well, if we need to compare him with his co-star, of course he is FARRR from great. Even though some of his co-star not debut as an actor, but they already done some project, movie or drama. YES Baek Hyun still need A LOT TO IMPROVE and maybe his talent for acting not as great as his singing and public speaking talent, (i wont say i didn’t get an awkward feeling when seeing him in this drama) But! I think he is trying hard. I mean Baek Hyun is sassy and mischievous member of EXO, and i see no trace of Baek Hyun from EXO in Wang Eun character. Wang Eun is Cheerful Immature Spoiled brat prince, that (for me) Baek Hyun potray it quite well. And I have to say that character is hilarious and entertaining.

For the soundtrack, i think there are various artist singing for the soundtrack, one of them singing by Chen, Xiumin, and Baek Hyun, but i don’t know which one. Then while i watched the drama and heard this song again and again (It’s Korean drama thing, they build up the feel of particular scene by playing soundtrack on the background, it makes the scene more memorable) I can not missed Chen’s beautiful voice in this song. Then i knew it, this is the song that EXO sing for the soundtrack and I love it.
I must said there are better Korean drama than this, if you consider the plot and the cast. But for entertaining your eyes (and also for every single ladies’s lonely heart) this is definitely recommended. Come on! handsome guys with fine body (yes, i underline the s, it’s plural), great setting and costumes? Well I wont missed that ;P.